June 30, 2014

Interpretations of keyboards

Okayyyyy.... why do I always have the dumb keyboards... Forgive m if there are no E`s, B`s, G`s, or C`s in this email. I`m stabing the keys as hard as I can. Interpretations of keyboards

but hello!!! I love you all!!

Yes, Chile did lose in Mundial this week. boooooo we were super bummed for  a coupl minute there, ut then I remembere that that means I don`t hvae to be stuck in the house, an felt better. Hermna Lopez teased me after bcaue they all watched 17 mirales and I swept the floor, washed the dishes, worked on our area book, and cleaned our study table. It took me a couple hours of normal proselyting to hlp me wind back down to normal haha Ugh I just can`t stand not doing somethin productive.

Well, had my last interview with Preidnt this week, and he took us out to lunch after.

It was the first time I cried in an interview, but what ele was I supposed to do when he said to me `Just kep doing exactly what you`re doing for a couple weeks more.` Ohhhh it just hurt my heart. This is a special tim for me, not just beaues it is the end of my mission, rather because this i the time where I most have needed to trust in the Lord. He is so aware and so close to me, and sometime I just long to go to  Him, shut my eyes tight and bury my hed in His chest, like I might with my earthly father. Just hold me strong through all the hard things or life changes- I know I can do this if He is on my side.

I just want you to kno that anythin really is possile with help from the Lord. Every once in a while I still feel that weird internal opposition that I kin of told you aout. This wek when I felt that, my patience left me and I got annoyed at a coupl members in our ward as a result for some things they had said and done. I cooled down, prayed for help that niht, and oke up very refreshed the next morning. I listed off all the positive things that I ould think of about those mmebers, (their willingness to always help, their kindness, their social abilities, their esires to serve the Lord, etc.) and focused on hving positive thoughts, and hd the bst Sunday. I felt the Spirit and a love so strong for thoes members and for each one of my brothers an sisters. As I partook of the Sacrament, it was very specil to feel God`s happiness and even gratitude for those efforts I was making. He sets a high bar for us and does expect us to be perfect someday, but He is so happy with us in the meanwhile so long as we are stretching oureslves and tryin our best to improve.

We had lots of intersting street contats this week- a man that was convincd that the Bible supports the theory that Alien are atually our creators, the drunk less active man that tells us he is an active Mormon, the sincere Columbian man with his great acent, th typical gangster young man that tells us how beautiful we are. One day, a sinere young man said to us `That is so great that you`re misionaries. Have you felt God bles you for hat you do?` The question really, really touched me. `I wish I could tell you all the ways I`ve felt that, my friend. More than I can ever say.`

Also, I hope you`re all going to the temple often. I miss the temple.

Hermana Oldroyd

(p.s. They just playd Uptown Girl by Billy Joel in the siever. Whaaa?!!? Best Day ever haha)

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