April 22, 2014

Goodbye to Collao

Well, say goodbye to Collao...

Because that is what I will be doing all day. Booo cambios. The good news is that tomorrow is another day and I know it will be alright!! I'm going to Tomé, the exact same ward where my cousin started her mission. My comp is Hermana Lopez, from Argentina.

As for this week, we did a mini cambio and I got to play volleyball in the morning with Hermana Romney. Fun stuff! But I realized I'm very out of shape... Had another realization when I thought this morning about all the things that I've broken recently- Did you know that I sat on all of them?? That table in Barrio Norte, a toilet seat in Santa Sabina, (long story), and a glass tupperware that I  displaced off of a chair right before Relief Society...Smash, crash, and bang. I really know how to bring the Spirit. Maybe God is trying to send me a message about upcoming winter weight gain. Whoops!

On the other hand, we've been working with a less active, Hermana Cecilia Silva, and her nickname for me is "mi flaquita" (My little skinny one). She is a returned missionary, actually, and is great. When we first found her, she started to explain the reasons why she couldn't come to church, and under the direction of the Spirit, we hit her hard with a really good scripture from the Book of Mormon to help her realize that it IS possible for her to start coming to church again.

(Read 1 Nephi 17- If God can tell him to build a boat, turn earth into water, and he has faith that he can do it, who are we to put excuses to God? We can do ALL things!)

 She told me about a book that she used on her mission, one that compares gospel topics using scriptures in the Bible and modern scripture, and said "I think it'd still be useful for you, I'll find some way to get it to you!" Yesterday she showed up at church with a stack of paper about an inch thick- she had photocopied the whole book for me. Not to mention that she gave me her scarf last week when I wasn't bundled up enough, and that she gave Hermana Baturité and I little sparkly theater rings. So cute. And the funny thing? We only found her last week, yet when I talked to her yesterday, she said "I hope you don't go, Hermana! You have such a special spirit, and I feel sure that we knew each other in the pre-earth life." It was so sweet.

Hermana Marlenny called us yesterday and said "I have a message for you. The Easter Bunny called me and said he's not going to make it all the way over to your house, so he left your treats with me. Can you find five minutes to come pick them up today?" Awwwwww, I love that lady. She gave us the lapizlazuli earrings, which I love, and has treats for us every single time we visit her house. (Maybe this is why I gain weight... Vale and the family that gave us lunch yesterday also prepared us little easter bags of treats. Pretty sure I've received more candy here than I did at home!) Yesterday she had cute little easter baskets for us, and it was amazing in church yesterday to see her and Hermano Nelson be the perfect friends for the Familia Daza, our focus family of investigators. They've had lots of challenges, but I know they'll get baptized!! Befriending them has really nourished the family of Hermana Marlenny and Nelson also. Go do that, all of you!! Find the lonely people and sit with them. They need you.

We also had mini missionaries this week! The crazy little miracle was that my mini missionary was Valentina Tomás, the daughter of my first ward mission leader. Crazy! She did really well and I was so pleased to see the spiritual progress that she's made. One of our days together, we were visiting a menos activo, and he likes to analyze things. More analytical than faithful. He asked me, "Well, if Christ died on Friday but was resurrected on Sunday, that isn't a full three days! How would that have worked? What do you think?"  I paused a moment to make sure that the Spirit was with me in sharing my sincere opinion, and found that it was. Told him "Honestly, time or day does not matter to me at all. That is not the important part. We celebrate this holiday because Christ conquered death, and through Him we can someday live forever with God and our families." That is what Easter is to me.

I love you all!!

Be missionaries.


Hermana Oldroyd

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